Pillar Women

We stand. Withstand and Stand with.

The Pillar Woman lives her life as a gift to God, just as in scripture Pillars were created as monuments to Him (Genesis 28:18) signifying His faithfulness and His presence.

It is with this understanding that the Pillar woman seeks to give her life as a monument to the Lord; constantly remembering His faithfulness, seeking His sacred presence, and representing Him to the world around her.

When Pillar Women are living as they were designed to live, hearts are transformed, families are united, communities are restored, and God’s design is fulfilled.

When a Pillar is functioning as it is designed, it is a GIFT- it provides stability, beauty, and lasts for generations to come.

Upcoming Events

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Heritage – Session 1

February 5–26, 2025

Our heritage is what we have inherited from our Heavenly Father, to value and enjoy in the present, and to preserve and pass on to future generations. Our heritage shapes who we become and how we see ourselves. Our expression of this identity highlights what we cherish; it demonstrates our values and priorities.

In this class, you will learn how to become that someone. You will learn how to unearth and mine the hidden treasures of the Bible.


Saturday - 5:00p
Sunday - 8:30a, 10:15a & 12:00p


8110 E Cactus Rd, Suite 100
Scottsdale AZ 85260

(480) 426-8779

[email protected]